If you know nothing, say nothing

A jackass

A jackass

A couple of weeks ago, something happened on Facebook that really pissed me off. Really. Like lying awake at night, grinding my teeth and thinking until my brain got sore kind of pissed off. It still makes my upper lip scrunch when I think about it, but I had to wait a couple of weeks before posting this rant about it so that I could get my thoughts clear and write rationally, albeit still passionately, on the subject of dumbasses who make judgmental comments when they know absolutely nothing about a situation.

The context to all of this is that we have been working closely with Bubble’s pediatric nurse and doctors at two different hospitals to try and work out why she is not gaining weight very well. She’s slipped from the 55th percentile down to between the 3rd and 10th, depending on which chart you’re referring to. Even though most people would tell you not to worry, of course as a parent you’re going to worry.

So after much agonizing (and I mean tears, guilt, self-blame etc., etc.) I gave in and started to supplement Bubble’s feedings with formula. Just once a day, but just to make sure she was getting enough food, and enough calories. Even though I have no judgment towards others who formula feed their babies, I had always expected to be able to exclusively breastfeed my baby, and felt awful that I had to compromise that. In many ways I would have felt better if the reason had been that I didn’t have enough milk to give her, but it felt truly terrible to know that I had milk for her, but she wouldn’t take it, only feeding for two or three minutes at a time.

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Chicken Laksa

Chicken laksaLaksa is a spicy coconut noodle soup, and it is one of my favourite Asian soups. Unfortunately the paste that gives it its flavour and spice is a little hard to come by in many countries. I buy Hogans laksa paste from Australia (and always stock up when I’m home) but there are other brands that are fine to use as well. If you can’t find it anywhere (and make sure you ask at your local Asian supermarket) you can use green curry paste. The taste is not quite the same, but still works. Laksa comes from Malaysia and Singapore, with many different recipes depending on the region it comes from. I use chicken, but that’s because I don’t eat shellfish. You can replace the chicken with prawns or other shellfish if you wish.

If you can’t find laksa paste anywhere and don’t want to use green curry paste, here’s a different recipe that includes how to make your own laksa paste.
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